Here's just a small sampling of the many projects DRB Engineering has completed over the years.


Pulp and paper

Pulp and paper control system upgrades currently make up the largest portion of DRB Engineering's work portfolio. Work exemplars within this field have included:

  • Complete PLC/DCS design and configuration of critical mill systems. Support included software configuration, hardware design, and construction management for the projects below:
    • Two Digesters
    • One Recovery Boiler
    • Two Paper Machines
    • One Roll Handling System
    • One Demineralizer System
  • Several custom control consoles which allows for ergonomic design principals to exist alongside a controls station which allows staff to monitor trends real-time, and address system problems before shut off is required. This project was designed by DRB and installed at the Kapstone mill in Longview, WA. 



Power engineering and lighting

DRB Engineering has a rich history with power engineering and lighting projects. This includes: 

  • Distribution and energy conservation projects for the Department of Defense in Guam
  • Serving as the supervising engineer for electrical service modification for the Kaiser Hospital in Harbor City, California 
  • Lighting projects including the design of emergency egress lighting for the International Paper Mill in Gardiner, Oregon, and lighting design for Oregon State University, Lane County Events Center, and other large commercial design work



Municipal projects

DRB Engineering has completed numerous public works projects throughout the United States, including:

  • Pump station designs for cities including Grants Pass, Oregon and Junction City, Oregon  
  • Construction management for a water treatment plant in St. George, Utah 
  • Power distribution design for cities including Avondale, Arizona
  • Gas generator replacements for multiple cities including Eugene, Oregon